
Showing posts with label Breakfast Tiffin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breakfast Tiffin. Show all posts

Monday 27 January 2014

The Must Haves: Indian Vegan Kitchen

If one fine day you decide to go vegan, the first thing that would dawn on you would be to transform your kitchen into a vegan one. But then you would wonder how do you go about doing so? Hence, the next thing you would do is Google- ‘Vegan Kitchen Essentials’ and then the results that would show up would contain all sorts of item but the ones which you can actually find easily in your nearby markets.
So, I decided to compile a list of the must haves which you can easily find in your local markets. You can then stuff them into your all new Vegan Kitchen and kick start cooking vegan delicacies that can go into your breakfast tiffin’s or into your kid’s school tiffin box.

Make sure that your Kitchen never lacks any of the following:
1.       Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2.       Fresh Veggies like peas, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, leafy vegetables etc.
3.      Spices like sea salt, turmeric, black pepper, chillies, garam masala, cloves, ground coriander, cinnamon, cumin etc.
4.       Flour
5.       Ginger & garlic
6.       Lentils
7.       Fresh fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, strawberries etc.
8.       Lemons
9.       Non-dairy milk (Rice, coconut, soy, almond etc.)
10.   Nuts like walnuts, peanuts, almonds, etc.

Snoop into any regular vegan kitchen in India and you would definitely find this stuff around, especially in kitchens where food that goes into Jain Veg tiffin is cooked. You can cook your favorite salad or prepare tasty and healthy juices with the help of this list. I am sure all the vegan moms out there who every morning cook vegan dishes which go into the Veg tiffin’s of their vegan kids would give a testimony for how this list involves all the prerequisites for a vegan kitchen.
If you are a vegan mom and would like to add anything more to my list then please do drop a comment for the same. Till then keep coming back to my blog for there’s a lot more interesting stuff coming soon your way!